Build Your Own Smile Makeover Package

If there’s one thing that all dentists know, it’s that a healthy smile is not the sole motivation behind each patient’s appointment. In fact, while dental health and oral hygiene are undoubtedly important, one of the biggest reasons behind many appointments is the aesthetic and look of the patient’s smile.

If you’re reading this then we probably don’t need to tell you how important an individual’s smile is for their confidence. A white, well-aligned smile is as good for personal confidence as it is for professional development, which is why more and more patients are turning to dentistry as a form of makeover.

A smile makeover in Essex is, above all else, a versatile option for patients of all ages. Here’s why…

Different Smile Makeover Treatments Available

A smile makeover matches your specific issues and concerns with the most appropriate treatments. Whether your smile needs aligning or whitening, or you have a gap in your teeth that desperately needs filling, the underlying benefit of a smile makeover package is that it is built according to your unique needs.

This starts with a smile evaluation appointment conducted by a specialist consultant, who can listen to your concerns and start developing a package that will address those concerns. Treatments are selected based on their impact and results, considering first the structural needs of the patient and then moving onto aesthetic concerns such as discolouration.

Pricing a Smile Makeover and How Long the Process Takes

You probably won’t be surprised to learn that there is no set price for a smile makeover – rather, the final cost of treatment depends on the procedures that are required and how much of each treatment you need.

To help make the process as streamlined as possible, dental consultants will provide a final price and breakdown by treatment after your free smile evaluation, so that you can take the next steps, safe in the knowledge that you have benefitted from full pricing transparency.

NOTE: There is no commitment at this stage to proceed with any or all of the treatments listed. You may choose to change and adapt your smile makeover package based on your budget or cancel everything and proceed at a later date.

What Kind of Treatments Are Available?

The thing about a smile makeover is that every patient is different, each approaching their dentist with their own unique concerns and dental challenges. Because of this, the smile makeover complete package includes a number of different treatments that can be mixed and matched.

Structural treatments include dental implants, dental bridges, veneers, and orthodontic procedures. Meanwhile, some of the more aesthetic-based treatments include composite bonding and teeth whitening.

Whatever your need, provided you have a good level of dental health and oral hygiene, we’d be only too happy to help you build your perfect smile makeover package. For more advice, get in touch with your local dental team.

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